Season 1

Episode 123: Jason Boetcher

In this episode of Intermittent Fasting Stories, Gin talks to Jason Boetcher. Jason is a pastor from Kansas City, KS.

This episode is brought to you by Green Chef! Green Chef is a USDA certified organic company that makes eating well easy and affordable with plans to fit every lifestyle. Gin’s favorite? The Balanced Living plan. Go to and use promo code ifstories90 to get $90 off.

Jason is a Lutheran pastor. He tried many diets over the years, losing 20 pounds with each one. He first heard about IF on the Dr. Oz Show, though he was already familiar with spiritual fasts. Through some research, Jason found Delay, Don’t Deny, and the IF Stories Podcast. In January of 2019, he began with a 20:4 protocol, but found he ate too much, and so he switched to 23:1. By the fall of that same year, he had lost 50 pounds, weighing 180 pounds.

But life was about to change.

Jason had a persistent cold that would not go away, and one day he found himself unable to breathe while playing soccer. After having a chest x-ray and CT scan, his doctor found an aggressive tumor growing near his esophagus. He was put on steroids and began chemotherapy, which caused Jason to lose his sense of taste for everything…but sugar. He began to eat all day long, which led to a weight gain of 45 pounds.

In March of 2020, the treatments were completed and the tumor was gone! Jason was desperate to get back to IF, but after experiencing some fainting spells, he needed to wait.

By May of 2020, Jason was able to fast again. He is currently 180 pounds, and his ultimate goal is 165 pounds. Jason has cut out sugar and soda, and is following an ADF (Alternate Day Fasting) protocol.

Jason’s advice for new IFers: “Be patient and kind to yourself in the beginning. Try longer fasts. The process will work. You might not lose as fast as you’d like, but it will happen.”

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