Season 1

Episode 124: Autumn Kumlien

In this episode of Intermittent Fasting Stories, Gin talks to Autumn Kumlien, a Registered Dietician and Nutritionist from Milton, Wisconsin.

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Autumn shares that from third grade on, she was the tallest and biggest of all of her friends. No one made a big deal about her weight, but suddenly, “I thought I better do something about it.” She began portioning out her food. Autumn’s mother began dieting around this time, and she did the same. By eighth grade, Autumn had dieted her way to 205 pounds, her father calling her “Amazon Girl.” By college, Autumn had leaned out some, and decided to join her mother on Weight Watchers. She easily lost more weight, but maintaining it was very difficult, and she gained back all the weight she had lost. After a long journey with trying to get pregnant, and then pregnancy itself, Autumn was not able to lose the weight she had gained. Being a dietician, she felt as though she knew what to do to lose weight, but nothing worked!

By the time Autumn was about to turn forty, with her weight climbing, her husband heard about IF through a podcast. She began IF in November of 2018 with a window of between 7-11 hours. In January of 2019, Autumn found the IF Stories podcast, listening each day on her way to work. She also read Delay, Don’t Deny and The Obesity Code. She gradually increased her fasting hours, and currently follows a 20:4 protocol. Autumn has gone from 175 pounds to 140 pounds. Her husband joined her with IF, losing 87 pounds himself.

The advice Autumn would give new IFers: “Trust the process. Don’t go by just the scale because it’s just data! Enjoy the process.”

Get Gin’s books, including her latest New York Times Bestseller, Fast. Feast. Repeat., available wherever you buy books!

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  1. Thank you so much for this interview in particular! That’s been such a rau of hope for me, I almost cried. I also just turned 40 and while eating the same I have gained 20 pounds in 2 months. I am now jumping right into 20:4 and hope that saves me