Season 1

Episode 409: Tamra Collins

In this episode of Intermittent Fasting Stories, Gin talks to Tamra Collins who lives in Yorktown, IN.

Are you ready to take your intermittent fasting lifestyle to the next level? There’s nothing better than community to help with that. In the Delay, Don’t Deny community we all embrace the clean fast, and there’s just the right support for you as you live your intermittent fasting lifestyle.

You can connect directly with Gin in the Ask Gin group, and she will answer all of your questions personally. If you’re new to intermittent fasting or recommitting to the IF lifestyle, join the 28-Day FAST Start group. After your fast start, join us for support in The 1st Year group. Need tips for long term maintenance? We have a place for that! There are many more useful spaces beyond these, and you can interact in as many as you like.

Visit to join us. An annual membership costs just over a dollar a week when you do the math. If you aren’t ready to fully commit for a year, join for a month and you can cancel at any time. If you know you’ll want to stay forever, we also have a lifetime membership option available.

IF is free. You don’t need to join our community to fast. But if you’re looking for support from a community of like-minded IFers, we are here for you at

Tamra is a government contractor. She struggled with her size from an early age, and she reflects on how her family influenced her body image.  After various military relocations and a series of disappointments with weight loss programs, Tamra discovered intermittent fasting in 2019. Tamra struggled to make intermittent fasting into a lifestyle, however, and it wasn’t until 2023 when Tamra was finally ready to commit to IF for good.  Her approach has lead to a weight loss of 39 pounds in around 7 months. Through an alternate-day fasting (ADF) regimen, Tamra has transformed her relationship with food, focusing on healthier choices and paying close attention to ingredients when she shops.

The power of community is a recurring theme throughout the episode. Tamra speaks about the support group she’s formed within Facebook, her daily conversations with friends, and the support of the Delay, Don’t Deny online community.

Tamra shares her non-scale victories—improved energy, fewer headaches, and even the disappearance of skin tags—which highlights the multifaceted benefits of her lifestyle changes.

Gin and Tamra emphasize the importance of exercise for health and longevity, focusing on gaining strength rather than just losing weight, and Tamra shares her dedication to running and light strength training.

As the episode draws to a close, Tamra leaves the listeners with the advice that has served her well through her transformation: commit to real, substantial lifestyle changes, find a supportive community, and set realistic goals. And most importantly, always find joy in the journey towards a healthier life.

Get Gin’s books at:, including her latest bestseller 28-Day Fast Start Day-By-Day, the Ultimate Guide to Starting (or Restarting) Your Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle so it Sticks, New York Times Bestseller, Fast. Feast. Repeat., and Cleanish, available wherever you buy books! Delay, Don’t Deny is available on Amazon.

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Do you enjoy Intermittent Fasting Stories? You’ll probably also like Gin’s other podcast with cohost Sheri Bullock: Fast. Feast. Repeat. Intermittent Fasting for Life. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts.

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